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webcode-tk Docs

A collection of functions designed by a Web Design teacher for checking front-end web documents (in particular HTML and CSS files). It can automatically check validation on HTML and CSS.

It can also check for a particular HTML element, and in soon to be released version, will also allow automatic checks for particular CSS properties or values.

Table Of Contents

  1. Tutorials
  8. Explanation

Quickly find what you're looking for depending on your use case by looking at the different pages.

Project Overview

Deals with html and css documents to check their code.

Modules exported by this package: - color_keywords: helper library to align color keywords with their properties and hex and rgb values. - color_tools: processes CSS color related properties and values. - css_tools: creates Stylesheet objects that store CSS information. - html_tools: gets html files from a project folder, gets the HTML code from files, gets number of a particular element in a file or folder, gets elements as tags, and much more. - ux_tools: gets readability stats for paragraphs of text (could be from just p tags or a list of other tags e.g. li, div, etc.). - validator_tools: sends HTML or CSS code to the W3C Validator to check for errors.


I'd like to thank Guido van Rossum for his love of Monty Python and creating the Python programming language (pseudo-code that works) as well as the Python community and PyCon for running Development Sprints and giving rookies like me the chance to learn how to contribute to open-source projects.

I'd also like to thank Real Python for being my go-to source for expanding my toolset.

If you can read this, it's because Real Python came through yet again by publishing Build Your Python Project Documentation With MkDocs, written by Martin Breuss and his trusty team of developers who helped work on the tutorial.